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Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

Driving business potential to success.

contact us and discover why we are the power of digital

our locations

we have more than 500,000 ft2 to offer you the best service in logistics, storage and human quality in the United States and Mexico

Laredo 1

14206 Mercury Dr, Laredo, TX 78045, EE. UU.

Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

Area: 185,000 sq. ft.  Office: 8,000 sq. ft.

Docks: 80 spaces Yard: 200 spaces

Laredo 2

13209 S Unitec Dr, Laredo, TX 78045, EE. UU.

Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

Area: 80,000 sq. ft.  Office: 6,000 sq. ft.

Docks: 42 spaces

Mexico 1

Milenium, Nappa 5021 Parque Industrial, 66620 Apodaca, N.L.

Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

Area: 30,700 sq. ft.  Office: 6,000 sq. ft. Docks: 4 spaces 

Mexico 2

Infiniti 6001, Parque Industrial Milenium, 66626 Apodaca, N.L.

Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

Area: 200,000 sq. ft.  Office: 3,000 sq. ft. Docks: 6 spaces 

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Wisdom Digital Logistics - Warehousing Custom Brokerage Fulfillment Customs fright fowarding

the wisdom of expertise

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